
Legendary fantasy author Neil Gaiman backs effort against AB5 ‘gig economy’ law

Legendary fantasy and comic book author Neil Gaiman backed the effort against the so-called “gig economy” law that is stripping freelancers of work in California.

Wow. That is a big deal. Gaiman is highly respected as a brilliant creator, and just that tweet will bring a lot of attention to the struggle against the AB5 Law.

[Also, I’m a huge fan of his, if that wasn’t already obvious.]

As I’ve noted on Twitter, this law began in California but Democrats are already looking to take it national, and everyone should be aware of the threat. Tens of millions of Americans work a freelancers, and the chaos and misery being spread in California because of AB5 needs to stop before it expands to the rest of the country.

Thank you Neil Gaiman for speaking out against AB5.

For those who have never been lucky enough to enjoy his work, pick up the Sandman comic book series, and read his books, Good Omens, now a fantastic television show, Neverwhere, also a show, American Gods, also a show, and Coraline, now a great movie. Gaiman is an incredible creator.

Also, he’s married to the incredibly talented artist Amanda Palmer, formerly of the Dresden Dolls. 

And here’s more about the terrible AB5 law, mislabeled as the “gig economy” law.