Social Media

The Obamas’ Twitter Shenanigans

This is why I love twitter.

Michelle Obama started up a Twitter account today – she already has more than 30,000 followers. Of course, everyone knows most of these accounts are run by staffers and rarely have real tweets from the politicians.

Still,  it was somewhat surprising when Barack Obama’s account tweeted this oddly formal welcome to the account of his wife:
You’d think they’d at least get the real people to tweet the first few messages just to make her glorious entrance into the social media frontier a little more exciting.

So Michelle Malkin, right wing journalist extraordinare, highlighted the awkward tweet with a little bit of mockery:

Then Jonah Goldberg from National Review responded:

To which Michelle deftly opined:

This is why I love twitter – the impromptu interactions between people, famous and not, about the days’ events. It’s like a non-stop party with random people jumping in and out! Also, it gives me an excuse to drink during the day. Heavily.

By the way, in the time it took me to post this, Michelle jumped to 50,000 followers


Michelle Malkin was gracious enough to warn me of the dangers of overt White House criticism tweeting!!

Sure, Michelle, NOW they’re watching!