South Carolina Debate Twitters
Also, mine are in there too.
Ordered according to prospective nominee:
Newt’s long pauses intrigue me. Perry’s scare me. #scdebate
— Jedediah Bila (@JedediahBila) January 17, 2012
South Carolina’s at war with the federal government again?? #scdebate — Andy Levy (@andylevy) January 17, 2012
If Perry did this on purpose, it was very clever. If it was an accident, it was a fortuitous one. On allowing felons to vote:
Perry: “Look, if you just kill all the felons you don’t have to worry about this.” #scdebate
— Andy Levy (@andylevy) January 17, 2012
I find myself in a complete fog while Paul talks sometimes. I daydream, I nap, I do it all. #scdebate — Jedediah Bila (@JedediahBila) January 17, 2012
Oh yeah.. Martin Luther King was a HUGE fan of Ron Paul’s newsletters.. #tcot #hhrs #scdebate
— el SOOPer (@SooperMexican) January 17, 2012
My twitter is running faster than the crack-addicted hamster running the wheel in Ron Paul’s half-witted brain #tcot #hhrs #scdebate — el SOOPer (@SooperMexican) January 17, 2012
This debate needs the Apollo sandman to pull people offstage when their time is up. #SCdebate
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) January 17, 2012
Paul is now battling Santorum for most whiny nominee about time allowances #tcot #hhrs #scdebate — el SOOPer (@SooperMexican) January 17, 2012
this is a brilliant idea. RT @BrandonKiser: Can we call debates “wars” so Ron Paul won’t show up? #scdebate
— sarah (@mamaswati) January 17, 2012
Perry: flat tax 10%. Mitt: 25-35%. Newt: 15% flat. Santorum: 10/25% split. Paul: LOOK, SQUIRRELS! #SCDebate — CatsPolitics (@CatsPolitics) January 17, 2012
I love when Ron Paul amuses himself in his own answers. #scdebate
— Jedediah Bila (@JedediahBila) January 17, 2012
One thing is clear: @newtgingrichwould wipe the floor in a debate with @BarackObama. #scdebate — Ben Howe (@Ben_Howe) January 17, 2012
Newt didn’t back down on work for kids. He took Juan’s Double Dare-ya and it shoved right back at him. Nothing like a Feisty Newt. #scdebate
— Michael Steele (@Steele_Michael) January 17, 2012
Juan Williams single-handedly revived Newt’s campaign. #SCdebate — Jon G. (@ExJon) January 17, 2012
the white people in support of Gingrich’s racist comments are cheering so loud they sound like a black audience. #scdebate
— Morgan Murphy (@morgan_murphy) January 17, 2012
newt Gingrich just flatted ROn Paul’s tinfoil hat.. #tcot #hhrs #scdebate — el SOOPer (@SooperMexican) January 17, 2012
Juan Williams is not going to win the Republican primary in South Carolina. #scdebate
— The Fix (@TheFix) January 17, 2012
Santorum LOVES diving into the Senate weeds… too often he can sound like an enthusiastic page, not a prez contender. — Robert Costa (@robertcostaNRO) January 17, 2012
Little known fact: Rick Santorum stomps his feet and crosses his arms when he doesn’t get his way. #scdebate
— Ben Howe (@Ben_Howe) January 17, 2012
Dr. Santorum prescribes a high dose of Vitamin Matrimony. #scdebate — Jesse Taylor (@pandagon) January 17, 2012
My biggest issue w/ Romney is that if u pay attention, I feel like you can actually see him trying to figure out what he believes. #scdebate
— Jedediah Bila (@JedediahBila) January 17, 2012
sounds like youre reaching. bc Mitt is drowning RT @AnnCoulter: How does Newt know what his SuperPac has done? Sounds like he’s coordinating — el SOOPer (@SooperMexican) January 17, 2012
wow. Mitt is bobbling worse than a homeless crackhead #tcot #hhrs #scdebate
— el SOOPer (@SooperMexican) January 17, 2012
It really makes me nervous when Romney is asked about changing his positions and even #dodges that question. #SCDebate — Derek Hunter (@derekahunter) January 17, 2012
Mitt is always pretending to laugh at a joke no one has told. charming. #tcot #hhrs #scdebate
— el SOOPer (@SooperMexican) January 17, 2012
Romney on his tax records starting to sound like Obama on his birth certificate, Just answer “yes, ‘ll have them out tomorrow.” scdebate— Michael Steele (@Steele_Michael) January 17, 2012
Shorter Newt and Mitt: “Your Super PAC is poopy!” “No, YOURS is!” “Meany Pants!” #scdebate#superpacsnooze — Lori Ziganto (@snarkandboobs) January 17, 2012
Wait, why are people booing the fact George Romney was born in Mexico? #scdebate — The Fix (@TheFix) January 17, 2012
Weird moment – were they booing Mexico? Or that Juan would bring it up? Really not sure. Some people think these were plants to make the GOP look bad, much like the ones who booed the gay soldier in an earlier debate.
Newt aims for your brain, Santorum for your soul, Perry for your heart, Mitt for your eyes. #withNEWT#SCprimary#tcot#hhrs — el SOOPer (@SooperMexican) January 17, 2012
….and Ron Paul is swinging wildly at your Zionist banker kidney.
— el SOOPer (@SooperMexican) January 17, 2012