Will the “Divide and Conquer” Scott Walker Video Hurt Him?
Late Thursday night, the Barret campaign released this video with Scott Walker saying he will use a “Divide and Conquer” strategy on Unions:
Talking Points Memo relates what they think is damaging about the video:
Walker has denied allegations that he would make Wisconsin a right-to-work state — for example, this past January his office reiterated to the Journal Sentinel that Walker would not be introducing such legislation.
In response to the new video, Walker campaign spokeswoman Ciara Matthews again told the paper: “Governor Walker has made clear repeatedly that he does not have an interest in pushing right-to-work legislation.”
But if this is such a damaging video, why would Walker have allowed anyone to videotape him saying such comments at all?
Also, why the quick edit away from Walker’s comments? It’s be interesting to see the full edit of the video.
I asked him the simple question of whether the entire video was available:
@bradleylbar is the footage after walker says “divide and conquer” available anywhere? it cuts off abruptly. Or maybe of the entire meeting?
— el SOOPer (@SooperMexican) May 11, 2012
Eventually, he did respond:
@SooperMexican there’s a fuller transcript at the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel homepage.
— Brad Lichtenstein (@bradleylbar) May 11, 2012
While there is a longer transcript, there is no video – how do we know he didn’t edit it to augment the damage to Walker?
@SooperMexican The relevant transcript beyond the clip is at the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. Plus we released a 10m trailer, not 28s.
— Brad Lichtenstein (@bradleylbar) May 11, 2012
.@bradleylbar in the interest of journalistic integrity shouldnt you release the entire clip? Why are you hiding it?
— el SOOPer (@SooperMexican) May 11, 2012
.@bradleylbar are you intending to ever release the entire video or just this edited version that supports your pro-union agenda? #wirecall
— el SOOPer (@SooperMexican) May 11, 2012