The Second Sooper Podcast: Allen West Doesn’t Give a $#%& and ObamaPHONE!!
This second podcast of ours was recorded before the first presidential debate. We discuss whether or not Allen West gives a ****, and the ObamaFONE video. Fun times were had by all. This recording is definitely explicit however, so keep that in mind, gringos! Don’t be playing it where your little innocent gringuitos can hear it ok! Ok!!
Don’t be a racist, join Matt Dawson (@SaintRPH) and @DefendWallSt and your favorite neighborhood Mexy Conservative!!
You know you want to listen, so click already!!! ORALE!!
Or download on iTUNES
Some links to stories we discussed:
The Obama PHONE!! Video, with Twitchy reactions from twitter
Allen West ad: Hey, guess where I was while my opponent was drunk and disorderly?
Opening song from Soundtrack to Idiocracy: Nuevos Tiempos by Pueblo Cafe
Our Commentators!