Despicable Stephanie Cutter Blames Romney for Benghazi Uproar After Mother of Murdered Official Demands Answers
This Obama administration has gone from running a clown campaign to real dirty degenerate despicable politics:
Stephanie Cutter says Benghazi is only an issue "because of Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan."
— Andrew Kaczynski (@BuzzFeedAndrew) October 11, 2012
This after the mother of one of the murdered officials calls out Obama and the rest of the administration for hiding details of what exactly happened:
The mother of slain State Dept. Official Sean Smith told Anderson Cooper she is still waiting for someone to tell her what happened to her son on Sept. 11.
Smith was killed in Benghazi, and his mother says she was able to speak to President Obama, Sec. of State Clinton, and VP Joe Biden, and that she implored them all, “Please tell me what happened? What happened?” She said all three told her they would “get back to [her]” and explain what happened, but none have done so.
She stressed that she just wanted “the truth.” And she said the administration keeps saying “they’re still studying it,” yet “the things they have told me are outright lies…All of them told me it was because of a film.”
In a heart-wrenching moment, Smith’s mom said, “I look at [the images on] TV, and I see bloody hand-prints on the walls, and I think ‘My God, are those the hand-prints of my son?'”
Smith’s mom said she looked at Obama and said, “You screwed up.”
Cutter continued:
Stephanie Cutter says to CNN: "My job may to be spin, but its also to put the facts out."
— Andrew Kaczynski (@BuzzFeedAndrew) October 11, 2012
There’s really something sick and twisted about this administration.
Cutter continued on twitter, to surprise and shock:
.@BuzzFeedAndrew Romney has politicized Libya w/no plans of his own. POTUS' priorities are getting facts & bringing terrorists to justice.
— Stephanie Cutter (@stefcutter) October 11, 2012
Seems like Obama campaign manager Jim Messina is backing her up:
Jan Crawford of CBS pointed out that Romney doesn’t even take questions on Benghazi, disputing the claim that they’re trying to politicize the tragedy:
@BuzzFeedAndrew On the trail, Romney almost never hits Benghazi. He had an easy shot yesterday in OH, in response to a question, and passed.
— Jan Crawford (@JanCBS) October 11, 2012
Lis Carter is the Director for Obama’s Rapid Response team, and she responded with this:
.@JanCBS @BuzzFeedAndrew Jan, I believe you were at this press conference:
— Lis Smith (@Lis_Smith) October 11, 2012
The link goes to Romney’s press conference – a month ago. So the only reason people still care about Americans being murdered are because of a presser a month ago? Keep digging, Obama campaign…