6th SooperPodcast!! The Sensata Failure, Hillary Falls, and Debate Predictions!!
Don’t be a racist!! Join Matt Dawson (@SaintRPH) and @DefendWallSt and your favorite Sooper Mexican for our sixth podcast!! This episode we discuss the liberal wannabe furor over Sensata and how new media destroyed their narrative, how Hillary Clinton took the fall for Obama on Benghazi and WHY WHY!?! Also, some predictions for the second presidential debate due tomorrow! Enjoy Gringos!!
What does this picture have to do with anything?! Find out!
This week we have two versions – one clean, and a longer, more explicit version. Choose carefully!
CLICK HERE TO LISTEN NOW GRINGOS [explicit version]!!!!
Some links to stories we discussed:
Obama Owns Shares of Sensata, Personally Benefits by Outsourcing of Jobs to China
Bathsalts-Addled Liberal Responses to Sensata Narrative Meltdown
Twitchy has more info on the Sensata Idiocy
More about the Faux Sensata Outrage from Kimberly Morin
This story picked up by FOX NEWS!
Opening song from Soundtrack to Idiocracy: Nuevos Tiempos by Pueblo Cafe
Our Contributors!
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