SooperPodcast #25: Hashtag Horrors!! Alec Baldwin!! ObamaQuester!!!
Hello my Gringos… this 25th podcast, Billy the Bathroom Kid [@DefendWallSt] explains how my hashtag #LiberalTips2AvoidRape angered the liberals, and Matt Dawson [@SaintRPH] makes fun of Alec Baldwin and makes me bleep most of his comments out!! We also discuss the stupidity of Obama’s Sequester lying!
Don’t be a racist! Listen in!!!
Some links to stories we discussed:
At the SooperMexy Blog! Liberals Foaming At The Mouth Over My Hashtag #LiberalTips2AvoidRape
Our Videos: Alec Baldwin’s RaceCard commercial, and Al Gore Explains Sharia Law to Andrea Mitchell
Mother Jones: #LiberalTips2AvoidRape: The Most Horrible Hashtag Of The Week Thus Far, Explained
Opening song from Soundtrack to Idiocracy: Nuevos Tiempos by Pueblo Cafe
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