
Patriotic Porn Star Exposes Boston Bomber Advocate’s Phone Number on Twitter


Adult film actress Grace Evangeline was angered by online advocates of accused Boston bomber Dzhokhar, so she used her womanly wiles to get the founder’s phone number and posted it on the internet.

There are always those degenerate elements of society that swarm to commiserate and sympathize with the worst criminals out of some perverse sense of self-importance animated by a savior complex. But it takes a special kind of moron to come to the defense of Dzhokhar Tzarnaev, the suspected terrorist bomber who killed 4 Americans and maimed dozens in Boston.

That special moron has a name, and it’s Troy Crossley.

Troy has claimed to be a close friend of Dzhokhar, and he began a twitter campaign through the hashtag #FreeJahar in order to spread intellectually crippled theories about how he was framed, but mostly in order to market himself and get more attention for his flailing attempts as a rap artist.

More recently, his antics in the #FreeJahar “movement” have inspired a lot of ridicule (listen to our latest podcast for more!) especially as the insanity of his followers proclaim themselves a “family” and post ridiculous conspiracy theories.

The funniest and latest event was occasioned by adult film actress Grace Evangeline, who took a special interest in mocking and deriding Troy and his efforts to defend his terrorist friend.

Yesterday she posted this exchange between her and Troy:


This did not make him happy, or his followers, who attacked Grace.

Previously, the degenerate had promised to have a video showing the 8-year-old victim of the Boston bombing getting up and walking away:


He never fulfilled this promise.

Some have also accused him of using his “family” in order to hit on gullible young women, who are thought to be underage:


This prompted some ridicule from Grace after she posted his phone number:


As if that wasn’t enough, he even went so far as to give a veiled threat to Obama for his involvement in the “conspiracy”:


So there you have it. The friends of Jahar are sleezy, selfish, wannabe-rappers who threaten the president while trying to nail underage girls.

Good luck with that #FeeJahar campaign…