
What Should Americans Do For Memorial Day?

“Well I think everybody should have a barbecue. I think they should hug their kids, and high-five their friends and embrace each other, and I think they should enjoy baseball that day, and everything they can to embrace the life that my son has given them and the fallen from Vietnam to today’s wars, to World War I, to everyone. They’re there, they’re dying for these things, these intangible things that we get to live and have. It’s not a bad thing to laugh, and smile and enjoy Memorial Day, I think, if you have reverence for… how we got there.”

These words are from Jordan Stanton, a father of a soldier who died in the service of our country. This was a part of a great radio talk show hosted by Bryan Suits, on KFI AM 640. If you’d like to show your gratitude to those who fight to protect our freedom, consider donating to the Fisher House Foundation.