
DENIED! Batkid Refuses To Meet Obama For His Photo Op Request

We really can’t blame Obama for wanting to meet with the now world-famous ‘Batkid’ from San Francisco, who warmed our hearts with his ‘Make-A-Wish’ dream come true. But we can’t blame Batkid for denying him the opportunistic photo op – he’s got his own popularity to look after!

From SFist:

President Obama is visiting San Francisco this week on a fundraising mission to meet with his historically lucrative donor base in the Bay Area. After Team Obama crafted a special message to Batkid on his big day earlier this month, the White House reached out to the young celebrity and cancer patient for a one-on-one meeting on Miles “Batkid” Scott’s home turf. Unfortunately for the President, Miles was already booked today on Good Morning America where the young hero got to meet lower-ranking Democrat George Stephanopoulos instead.

Wow. The president gets snubbed in favor of George Stephanopoulos? I bet Obama was bummed he couldn’t use that photo to fundraise.

Adorable And Ingenious Movie Trailer For Make-A-Wish Batkid