Citations for Alec Baldwin post
This page contains footnotes from my post about Alec Baldwin’s secret transvestite account: @VictoriaNavel. Numbers refer to notations from the original post.
[1] Victoria tweets this after linking Alec Baldwin’s defense of his airline antics twice:
[2] Victoria obsessed with celebrity.
Do you think people simply hate celebrities now? Just hate the idea of them?
— Thomas Jefferson (@VictoriaNavel) December 8, 2011
@UKnowUWant_It I find that celebrities are viewed as wealthy and privileged and everyone hates the wealthy now. It’s like 18th C France — Thomas Jefferson (@VictoriaNavel) December 8, 2011
[3] Victoria mocking a veteran:
[4] Victoria’s paranoid conspiracy:
@UKnowUWant_It I think they crashed it deliberately To prompt more military spending. — Thomas Jefferson (@VictoriaNavel) December 9, 2011
The time line evidence:
Alec Baldwin stopped tweeting the same day the Victoria account started tweeting, and the Victoria account stopped tweeting the same day that Alec Baldwin came back to twitter:
One of Alec Baldwin’s last tweets on December 6th 2011:
Let’s play a game called Mass Unfollowing.I want to crash this acct and start again. But, tonight at 10 PM, NY time, unfollow me. — AB (@alecbaldwin) December 7, 2011
Victorianavel’s 1st TWEET on the same day, December 6th 2011:
How to make snowman holiday — mia farrow (@MiaFarrow) December 7, 2011
One month later….
VictoriaNavel’s LAST tweet on January 7th 2012:
Oh poor Gabriel…
— Sarah Silverman (@SarahKSilverman) January 5, 2012
Alec Baldwin’s return tweet on the same day, January 7th 2012:
Back on Twitter
— AB (@alecbaldwin) January 7, 2012
[6] Hilaria Thomas, Alec’s girlfriend, immediately followed the Victoria account:
[7] Victoria’s second message was a retweet of his daughter, Ireland Baldwin:
[8] Victoria sends a message to Hilaria, she responds:
[9] The friends of Hilaria Thomas, Alec’s girlfriend, who are also friends of the Victoria account:
[10] Victoria references an artist who had lived at the Hamptons:
@LadyLucyLongfur The Torso of Hercules by Gines Serran
— Thomas Jefferson (@VictoriaNavel) December 28, 2011
[11] Retweets from both accounts are very similar:
[13] Alec mocks follower counts, and tweet counts from the Victoria account:
@SooperMexican @maggiemay777 70,000 plus tweetsYou’re so….prolific!
— Thomas Jefferson (@VictoriaNavel) December 14, 2011
“@jonorose: @VictoriaNavel my god. 35 total tweets, and this is what you concentrate on?”390 followers? Hmmmm
— Thomas Jefferson (@VictoriaNavel) December 14, 2011
“@jonorose: @VictoriaNavel my god. 35 total tweets, and this is what you concentrate on?”And you’ve been at this 3 years?
— Thomas Jefferson (@VictoriaNavel) December 14, 2011
Alec mocks conservatives from his own account:
@CommMarine @keder 15,000 tweets and 1500 followers.
— AB (@alecbaldwin) November 29, 2011
@OC_Dad 21,000 tweets and 600 followers.Man you must feel awful
— AB (@alecbaldwin) November 29, 2011
Source of picture used in my post: Alec Baldwin being praised in the Hamptons, favorite haven for 1%ers: