Obamacare’s Next Brilliant Marketing Brand: Mom Jeans!
For years, conservatives, including myself, have made fun of the current administration by applying the pejorative of “president mom jeans” to the resident of the White House. Looks like he’s approving the name!
In the newest “re-branding” of the Obamacare debacle, the infinite wisdom of the administration has chosen that moms will be their next target, and they’re going to bait their healthcare hook with some good old fashioned frumpy mompants!
Now the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) – the lead agency tasked with implementing the ACA – is looking for word-of-mouth publicity with a new digital campaign it hopes will get people buzzing. If the mom jeans photo doesn’t do it, perhaps the “MOM” tattoo pic’ will.
I mean, seriously? These look like photoshops I’d make up to MOCK Obamacare!!
What are these people thinking? It’s like they’re going through each caricature that conservatives have of liberals and confirming each one with their pathetic attempts at marketing! Remember how Pajama-Boy made for hearty metrosexual and emasculated liberal jokes?
The “Brosurance and Hosurance” ads were so bad they even offended college students who thought liberals were making them seem sex-crazed and shallow! And who can forget “The Life of Julia” that showed how women can be liberated from their own individualism and tie themselves to the ever-expanding paternalistic teat of government!
I can’t wait to see what memes and photoshops conservative twitter comes up with to rightfully deride this latest excuse for a marketing gimmick!