
Not Even Your McDonald’s Happy Meal is Safe From Ridiculous Politically Correct Attacks

If you’ve often thought that McDonald’s Happy Meals were a main obstacle preventing the coming of a glorious future where human beings have progressed beyond artificial heteronormative standards of gender imposed by the patriarchy on our girls and boys, you’d be absolutely right.

But thankfully, in mankind’s darkest hour of need, there are harridans of histrionic hysteria that are waiting in the woodwork to protect our children from nature’s imperialist gender constraints.

Connecticut high school student Antonia Ayres-Brown wrote about her heroic struggle at Slate:

In the fall of 2008, when I was 11 years old, I wrote to the CEO of McDonald’s and asked him to change the way his stores sold Happy Meals. I expressed my frustration that McDonald’s always asked if my family preferred a “girl toy” or a “boy toy” when we ordered a Happy Meal at the drive-through. My letter asked if it would be legal for McDonald’s “to ask at a job interview whether someone wanted a man’s job or a woman’s job?”

She was initially dismissed, as she should have been, but she pressed on, and eventually she took it to the Connecticut Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities, who, as they should have, also dismissed the insane demand. Unfortunately, we live in a brave new world where corporations are all too willing to spinelessly acquiesce to the most denigrating of requests

In this case, the budding liberal child declared victory when it was reported that a McDonald’s posted this sign:

“When a customer orders a happy meal you must ask ‘will that be a My Little Pony toy? Or a Skylanders toy?’. We will no longer refer to them as ‘boy or girl toys.’ ”

Thank goodness genderless children will no longer be indoctrinated into thinking that being a boy means anything or being a girl means anything. No doubt, society will be much better when women are indistinguishable from men. And mankind’s greatest monster, the Happy Meal, will no longer stand in the way of that promised paradise of androgynous freaks.

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