Despicable Democrat Tweets a Joke About Benghazi Because Dead Americans Make for Great Punchlines
Missouri State Representative Stacey Newman is known for her crazy leftist stunts, including bringing a crocheted uterus into the statehouse to accompany her failed pro-abortion bill, but she really amped up the degenerate shamelessness with this tweet:
Get it? She’s making fun of Republicans who actually think that a terrorist attack that took the lives of four Americans including an ambassador should actually be taken seriously. And diminishing those deaths is just icing on the cake.
Ever talk to parents of the men lost in Benghazi, Rep @staceynewman ? I have. I think they'd take offense at you joking about their sons.
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) May 7, 2014
While you're snickering, think about the 4 people that can't say it. "@staceynewman Thinking of saying "Benghazi" while debating tomorrow"
— Yes, Nick Searcy! (@yesnicksearcy) May 7, 2014
Our ambassador was tortured to death. Oh, the lulz! @staceynewman #benghazi
— Red__Rover (@Red__Rover) May 7, 2014
.@staceynewman Out of respect for those brave Americans who died, you should consider deleting this tweet and apologizing. Seriously.
— Nancy (@Of_Angelis) May 7, 2014
@staceynewman Hi Stacey. You're a Nana? Do you teach your grandkids 2 make fun of people who sacrifice & die 4 their country?
— Kraig Ehm (@kraigehm) May 7, 2014
.@staceynewman Because dead Americans are SUCH a joke to you, right? Another Military-loathing POS liberal, may karma have the last laugh..
— Saxon's Wrath (@DesertWillow56) May 7, 2014
So, how long 'til @staceynewman deletes her tweet?
— jon gabriel (@exjon) May 7, 2014
Stay classy, Democrats!