‘F$#k You B@#%$’; NBC Anchor Slammed By Rabid Obama Supporters for Hinting at Opportunistic Photo Op With POW Dad
NBC correspondent and anchorette Andrea Mitchell was attacked as harshly as possible by leftists angry that she would dare insinuate Obama is happy to mask the controversy over his terrorist trade by appearing with Bowe Bergdahl’s parents. Here is her rather innocuous tweet:
Mitchell is hardly a source of right-wing bias, in fact she’s been caught (by yours truly) deceptively editing video to smear Mitt Romney during the 2012 campaign. Even so, these are the attacks that Obama supporters bombarded her account with on Twitter:
Whoah there liberals! Aren’t they sensitive!? Apparently Andrea Obama-lovin’ Mitchell all of a sudden becomes an evil right-wing extremist racist who hates Obama because he’s black! Isn’t it fun to watch liberals turn on each other like a pack of rabid hyenas? It is fun.