VIDEO: World Cup Cannibalism! Uruguyan Player BITES Italian on the Field!!
Need a reason to shut down all your smug friends who think you’re unsophisticated because you don’t like soccer? Just point out to them the lack of BITING on the American football field. Ok, it’s true Mike Tyson bit Holyfield, but that was a long time ago, and you can’t really pin that on America.
Apparently Luis Suarez makes it habit of biting other players, as this is the third time he’s done it. He enjoyed a nibble from Holland, and took another from a Serbian meal, after which he received a 10 game ban as punishment.
The bite of death must have worked, because Uruguay went on to beat Italy, 1-0.
While FIFA blocked my video to be uploaded to YouTube, the Facebooks allowed me to post it there, so check it out before it’s taken down:
And here are some funny tweets and vines:
— Gary Micieli (@GaryMicieli) June 24, 2014
RT @darrenrovell Recent Adidas ad with Luis Suarez now seems a little too perfect #ITAvsURU
— Emily Zanotti (@emzanotti) June 24, 2014
RT @nycjim: Foreshadowing. ht @FutureBoy
— James Rainey (@LATimesrainey) June 24, 2014
Suarez for the rest of the World Cup @MikeValenti971
— Stephen Alan Troher (@stroher27) June 24, 2014
Feeling like Italian tonight.
— Carl Quintanilla (@carlquintanilla) June 24, 2014
ok…but still not justified imho
— darth™ (@darth) June 24, 2014
Tyson vs. Saurez. No hands allowed, just teeth. Let's make it happen.
— Philip Klein (@philipaklein) June 24, 2014