Foreign Policy

BARBARIC: ISIS Crucifies Eight Rival Islamists For Being Too ‘Moderate’ [graphic pics]

More evidence of the brutality and inhumanity of the monsters that Obama is abandoning Iraq to:

Eight Islamist fighters from a rival group were crucified by ISIS in the Syrian city of Aleppo on Saturday. Their corpses were left on display in the town square, Deir Hafer. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights noted that the men were executed because they belonged to more moderate organizations. ISIS accused them of being “Sahwa” fighters, puppets of Western powers. ISIS began as an offshoot of Al Qaeda. However, Al Qaeda disowned ISIS because the organization was too indiscriminate and inhumane in its attacks for even its taste. ISIS crucified another man near the turkish border for giving false testimony, but he miraculously survived.

Some pictures have surfaced, but I caution you, they’re very explicit. They follow below:





isis crucifixion-1

Don’t worry, the Obama administration reassures us that these people are not a threat to Americans….

WATCH Lefty Liberal Take on Arch Neo-Con Bill Kristol: ‘Why Don’t YOU Enlist in The Iraqi Army?!’