How to Utterly Destroy a Liberal With Facts and Math in 12 Tweets
So I caught Obama’s former Car Czar wildly exaggerating the statistics behind violence in Central America that is driving illegal immigration to the United States. Even after Steve Rattner admitted that he screwed up, liberals keep pushing the lie. When I pointed this out to one MSNBC contributor, Colonel Morris Davis, as with most liberals, he just couldn’t face the truth.
This is where he cited Steve Rattner, with a jab at Christians:
.@SteveRattner: Odds of being murdered in NYC 1/25,000 – in Honduras 1/14. Reason kids fleeing to US. @Morning_Joe
— Col. Morris Davis (@ColMorrisDavis) July 10, 2014
Of course, fellow liberal idiot Goldie Taylor mindlessly repeated it:
MT @ColMorrisDavis Odds of being murdered in NYC 1/25,000 – in Honduras 1/14. Reason kids fleeing to US.
— Goldie Taylor (@goldietaylor) July 10, 2014
What follows is a lesson in absolutely dismantling a liberal when the facts and math are on your side: MT @goldietaylor: MT @ColMorrisDavis Odds being murdered in NYC 1/25,000 – Honduras 1/14. Reason kids fleeing to US
— el Sooper (@SooperMexican) July 15, 2014
He responded:
@AnthonyBialy @SooperMexican @goldietaylor It requires doing math. Murder rate is 90.4/100,000 annually, so over lifetime odds are 1 in 14.
— Col. Morris Davis (@ColMorrisDavis) July 15, 2014
Ah, “it requires doing math” apparently, but he didn’t do the same math for the New York City stats. What he did, was try to come up with any reasoning to justify Rattner’s wildly exaggerated stats, even after Rattner himself admitted they were wrong:
Mea culpa. My chart on Cent Am murder rates was incorrect. Corrected version here. Basic point remains.
— Steven Rattner (@SteveRattner) July 10, 2014
Notice the correction has two retweets, but Morris’ tweet has 52. The lie propagates itself because Rattner wasn’t honest enough to admit his mistake on air, but was happy to spout off the falsified statistic to a national audience.
But this is when it gets good. Even after I show Colonel Davis that he’s wrong about the stat, AND I show him that Rattner himself admits it was false, he stubbornly persists in his error!
.@ColMorrisDavis lol you dumbass @SteveRattner ADMITTED he got it wrong @AnthonyBialy @goldietaylor
— el Sooper (@SooperMexican) July 15, 2014
.@ColMorrisDavis ok idiot so explain how NYC 4 per 100k murders translates to 1/25,000 "over lifetime odds" @AnthonyBialy @goldietaylor
— el Sooper (@SooperMexican) July 15, 2014
.@ColMorrisDavis so you compare one measure of homicides per year versus another "on average lifetime"? lol @AnthonyBialy @goldietaylor
— el Sooper (@SooperMexican) July 15, 2014
By the way, in order for his statistic to be right, Hondurans would have to live 79 years on average, 4 years longer than Americans. Which means we should be racing out there to live the good life. Anyway, even though many of us kept showing him how he was obviously wrong, he continued:
@SooperMexican @AnthonyBialy @goldietaylor I didn't, Steve Rattner did. Lifetime NYC rate 1/309, Honduras 1/14, annual 4/100k & 90.4/100K.
— Col. Morris Davis (@ColMorrisDavis) July 15, 2014
Notice before, he said you just needed to do math, and then he said he didn’t do the math – but he obviously did, because he tried to justify Rattner’s number in a way Rattner never did.
@ColMorrisDavis can you read? @SteveRattner admitted he was WRONG LOL @AnthonyBialy @goldietaylor
— el Sooper (@SooperMexican) July 15, 2014
lol dude seriously @ColMorrisDavis do you habla ingles? you're comparing an annual rate to "lifetime odds" rate @goldietaylor @AnthonyBialy
— el Sooper (@SooperMexican) July 15, 2014
What you got homie? @ColMorrisDavis why so quiet? Do the math:
— el Sooper (@SooperMexican) July 15, 2014
After having shown how he was wrong many times over, this was all he could muster in response:
@SooperMexican @AnthonyBialy @goldietaylor How cowardly do you have to be to hide behind a cartoon avatar & an alias … fauxnad "patriot."
— Col. Morris Davis (@ColMorrisDavis) July 15, 2014
After that, it was pretty much over.
.@ColMorrisDavis AWWW can't admit that you can't do math so you go to ad hominems? lol… @AnthonyBialy @goldietaylor
— el Sooper (@SooperMexican) July 15, 2014
.@ColMorrisDavis obviously you need a chart, pendejo. here you go. @dmb1031 @AnthonyBialy @goldietaylor
— el Sooper (@SooperMexican) July 15, 2014
wow @ColMorrisDavis got quiet all of a sudden… find a calculator that confirms your idiot stat, homie! @AnthonyBialy @goldietaylor
— el Sooper (@SooperMexican) July 15, 2014
lol.. @ColMorrisDavis how much clearer can i make it? your SOURCE for the stat ADMITTED he was wrong! @dmb1031 @AnthonyBialy @goldietaylor
— el Sooper (@SooperMexican) July 15, 2014
.@ColMorrisDavis so @SteveRattner's stats are like Obama – even when they're proven wrong, you believe they're right @PruPaine @AnthonyBialy
— el Sooper (@SooperMexican) July 15, 2014
Even after all that, he still can’t admit he’s just plain wrong. Unfortunately, this is typical for liberalism – it doesn’t matter how wrong they are, their politics are a matter of belief, not verifiable facts.
Out Of 57,000 Unaccompanied Kids Arriving Illegally Since October, ONLY 1,254 Have Been Returned!