Anderson Cooper Dismantles an Anti-Gay Troll in One Snarky Tweet
When you enter into the wonderful world of social media you encounter one of the more charming aspects of the internet – the online troll! CNN’s Anderson Cooper showed how to dispatch with an acidic comment from a typically unoriginal troll in one tweet. The degenerate attacked by voicing support for Putin’s anti-gay policies:
@AC360 one great thing about #Putin he hates #gays #LGBT
— Antonio Delima (@delima_antonio) July 19, 2014
Anderson, who usually ignores such attacks, came back with a pretty funny retort:
.@delima_antonio for someone who claims to be straight, you sure do tweet and think a lot about gay men. Ever wonder why that might be?
— Anderson Cooper (@andersoncooper) July 19, 2014
A quick scan of the guy’s timeline confirms that he seems pretty obsessed with homosexuality and Anderson Cooper. Sometimes the lady really doth protest too much.
You can be alarmed at the vehemence of the more extreme elements of the gay rights lobby, but that doesn’t mean every gay person is a target for insult.