Liberal ‘Live the Wage’ Challenge is a Laughable Exercise in Failing to Budget or Plan Ahead
Obama and his mindless liberal minions are at it again with their #LiveTheWage campaign. They’re trying to guilt Americans into supporting a minimum wage hike by living on what the average minimum wage earner would have to budget. So this is the only campaign a liberal can actually succeed at, because it depends on them NOT being able to budget, and NOT planning ahead – something every American does who earn any wage every day. Here are some examples:
This is a “senior policy analyst” at George Soros funded “Center for American Progress” foundation – maybe he should ask for his money back if this is the kind of “analysis” he’s getting out of her.
Here’s U.S. Representative Mark Takano, who apparently bought single strands of spaghetti at Safeway and brand name groceries. If he had any clue, he’d buy in bulk to save money, and buy off-brand items. But the point of the exercise is to FAIL, so Mark’s definitely winning at that!
And of course there’s former Governor of Ohio who saves money by eating at McDonald’s:
People don’t go to McDonald’s to save money or eat healthy – they do it out of convenience. If Strickland wasn’t purposely being incompetent, he would make his own damn food.
Did this guy buy single servings of lettuce? What a joke.
They tried a similar stunt last year with the “Snap Challenge,” which had politicians making complete idiots of themselves while “attempting” to live on food stamp benefits. We had a good time making fun of them. The point of all this is that many Americans live on the budget these morons are failing at, and they do it well because they plan ahead and buy intelligently.
It’s no wonder Democrat politicians are showing they’re as successful at budgeting in their personal lives as they are at government expense budgeting.
From the SNAP Challenge mockfest: