VIDEO of Looting at Ferguson Missouri From Protesters of Fatal Police Shooting

Ferguson Missouri residents are protesting against after the fatal shooting of an unarmed teenager, and there are reports that it got violent and people started looting after a clash with police:

Here’s the protest earlier – at about the 4 minute mark he says “they throwin’ rocks now,” and at 5 minutes, “they throwin’ bottles – it’s a very tense situation.”

Earlier in the day:

It looks like they called a SWAT team:

Here’s more on the storyfrom ABC News:

Twitter users claimed that the male was 17 years old and unarmed, but police declined to give out any details of the incident this evening, and a woman identified the victim as her 18-year-old grandson.

Many tweets included photos of the deceased male laying in the street, face down and photos of a man holding a sign, claiming to be the victim’s father.

St. Louis County police declined to confirm with ABC News the age of the male or why police shot at him.

A woman told The Associated Press the victim was her 18-year-old grandson. Desiree Harris said she saw her grandson walking towards her home as she was driving Saturday afternoon, but after she arrived home minutes later, she heard a commotion and ran outside to see his body on the pavement nearby.

Shortly after the shooting, Ferguson Police requested that the St. Louis County Police Department’s Bureau of Criminal Investigations take over the police involved shooting investigations, Brian Schellman of the St. Louis County Police Department told ABC News.

A crowd of a couple hundred people were gathered around the crime scene in Ferguson, a city of about 21,000 residents a few miles north of St. Louis, when St. Louis County investigators arrived, chanting “Kill the police,” and other vulgarities, Schellman said.

A total of 80 police units were called to the scene to help with the investigation and calm the crowd down. The crowd was eventually moved away from the area under investigation.

Earlier today I got into a debate with MSNBC’s Goldie Taylor on Twitter about how the media is representing the protesters – I guess I can start calling them a mob now.