
The Asian Chamber of Commerce Laughed at Harry Reid’s Racial Jokes, But Then Backed Republican

Harry Reid was caught on video making what many are calling racially insensitive jokes to the Asian Chamber of Commerce, and although many can be heard laughing in the audio, they voted to support the Republican against the Democrat Reid was pushing.

Watch below:

Here are the jokes he made:

“I don’t think you’re smarter than anybody else, but you’ve convinced a lot of us you are,” Reid, a Nevada Democrat, told the guffawing crowd at the Las Vegas Asian Chamber of Commerce. Video of the remarks was recorded by the Republican opposition research group American Rising.

Later, before walking off stage, Reid quipped: “One problem that I’ve had today is keeping my Wongs straight.”

The group chose to back Republican Mark Hutchison instead of Reid’s candidate, Lucy Flores, for Lieutenant Governor even though he apologized later:

“My comments were in extremely poor taste and I apologize,” Reid said in a statement to TIME after publication of this story. “Sometimes I say the wrong thing.”

Fortunately for him he isn’t a Republican or he’d be tarred and feathered by the media for being racist by now.

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