
Being Associated With Obama Hurts Dem MORE Than Koch Bros Being Associated to Republican Opponent

This is how bad it is for Democrats – their best strategy is to link Republicans to the Koch Brothers, while our best strategy is to link them to Obama. Keep in mind, the Koch Brothers are not the leaders of the Republican party, nor are they the sitting President of the United States.

Here’s a poll taken by Bloomberg for the Des Moines Register showing how associating different political personalities hurt or help their respective candidates:

While the race remains close with Ernst only 1% over Braley, it’s amazing to think that their Dems’ only hope is to link her to partisan campaign donors, while our best strategy seems to be linking her to the Democrat President of the US. And they’re actually bragging about this by spinning the terrible news. Of course, they get free “objective” help from Bloomberg News:

You would think Obama would be a bigger headline… unless you wanted to help associate Sarah Palin with Ernst and hurt her chances. Also it would help if Michelle Obama would learn his real name maybe? Just a thought.

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