
Los Angeles ‘Kwanzaa’ Parade and #BlackLivesMatter Protest Flops After 10 Mins From Lack of Interest!

If Kwanzaa wasn’t a stupid made-up holiday, this would be sad, but since it is, this is hilarious! Apparently a ‘Kwanzaa’ parade that was planned for Los Angeles was so sparsely attended that it was shut down after only 10 minutes.

From an ace reporter at the scene!

Then the four person party went to do a local park to party for the cause of “black lives matter.” Ok, maybe three people:

It’s a party in #LeimertPark for the #KwanzaaParadeLA!

A video posted by Jasmyne Cannick (@jcannick) on

I guess blacks don’t really think black lives matter as much as the police do:

Yeah I dunno, maybe celebrate a holiday that wasn’t made up in the sixties to divide Americans racially and more people will show up. Merry Christmas!!!

Thug Who Murdered Two NYPD Cops May Have Boasted of It On Instagram, Tagged #RIPMikeBrown [pics]