Los Angeles ‘Kwanzaa’ Parade and #BlackLivesMatter Protest Flops After 10 Mins From Lack of Interest!
If Kwanzaa wasn’t a stupid made-up holiday, this would be sad, but since it is, this is hilarious! Apparently a ‘Kwanzaa’ parade that was planned for Los Angeles was so sparsely attended that it was shut down after only 10 minutes.
#Kwanzaa parade getting ready to start! pic.twitter.com/WNGgVH4FMM
— Jasmyne Cannick (@jasmyne) December 26, 2014
Sights and sounds from kickoff of 2014 #Kwanzaa parade in #LosAngeles pic.twitter.com/LMRNB4U1KT
— Jasmyne Cannick (@jasmyne) December 26, 2014
From an ace reporter at the scene!
People in #SouthLosAngeles disappointed by lack of turn-out for #Kwanza parade. Parade lasted 10 mins. #CBSLA pic.twitter.com/4GRzLTpwqr
— Greg Mills (@GregMillsTVNews) December 26, 2014
#Kwanza Parade is over. #CrenshawBlvd is re-opened to traffic. pic.twitter.com/H5YO9k886Z
— Greg Mills (@GregMillsTVNews) December 26, 2014
Then the four person party went to do a local park to party for the cause of “black lives matter.” Ok, maybe three people:
I guess blacks don’t really think black lives matter as much as the police do:
#KwanzaaParadeLA #LeimertPark pic.twitter.com/hBx1rbZKrQ
— Jasmyne Cannick (@jasmyne) December 26, 2014
Yeah I dunno, maybe celebrate a holiday that wasn’t made up in the sixties to divide Americans racially and more people will show up. Merry Christmas!!!