Ferguson Protesters Deliver Ridiculous ‘Eviction Notice’ to Cops, Storm Police Station
The stupidity of the Ferguson protesters is truly boundless. Their latest stunt is to deliver an “eviction notice” to St. Louis police as if they could exist without the police.
Here’s video of the morons “storming” the police department:
Here are some pictures from Twitter:
#Ferguson #REVCOM Police "Eviction Notice" http://t.co/exRnnmLGyF Happy New Year pic.twitter.com/nGBK1q8n9L
— Ministry Of Truth (@USABillOfRights) December 31, 2014
#Ferguson RT @deray: Eviction Notice. Metro PD. pic.twitter.com/hHuReSH2Zv
— Breaking 3.0 (@Breaking3zero) December 31, 2014
"serving eviction notice to #StLouis metro police protesters inside pic.twitter.com/irBXLP3b05" I guess it's getting serious #Ferguson
— HDP (@amountainman69) December 31, 2014
Seriously stupid.
At the @SLMPD hq. People occupying the lobby for 4.5h. Eviction notice served. #Ferguson #Berkeley #Shaw pic.twitter.com/iNnTNrRKsR
— Augustus II (@Cesario25) December 31, 2014
At the @SLMPD hq. People occupying the lobby for 4.5h. Eviction notice served. #Ferguson #Berkeley #Shaw pic.twitter.com/iNnTNrRKsR
— Augustus II (@Cesario25) December 31, 2014
❤️ this so much. RT @OBS_STL: OBS members carry the eviction notice! #Ferguson #BlackLivesMatter #MarchAtTheArch pic.twitter.com/SjKF5TDiuN
— (re)becca ツ (@bexology_) December 31, 2014
BREAKING: #Ferguson protestors have over-run police headquarters while serving an eviction notice to police. #NYPD pic.twitter.com/QXJX7IIg2Z
— Bipartisan Report (@Bipartisanism) December 31, 2014
Now what do you think would actually happen to Ferguson if police actually left the community alone to it’s own devices? I have a feeling most of these protesters don’t own a business, and I’m sure many don’t even hold a job. The police offer a critical service to the community – they keep law and order so that people can live and work and thrive.
But when you’re just a mindless idiot protester you really think that looters and gangbangers are better for a community than police.