
The Official Twitter Account For U.S. Central Command Has Been HACKED By ISIS Supporters

Supporters of ISIS appear to have taken control of the official @CENTCOM account:

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They posted this in a pastebin link:

Pentagon networks hacked
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, the CyberCaliphate under the auspices of ISIS continues its CyberJihad. While the US and its satellites kill our brothers in Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan we broke into your networks and personal devices and know everything about you.
You’ll see no mercy infidels. ISIS is already here, we are in your PCs, in each military base. With Allah’s permission we are in CENTCOM now.
We won’t stop! We know everything about you, your wives and children.
U.S. soldiers! We’re watching you!
Here’s a part of confidential data from your mobile devices:

[here they posted four links to confidential information]

There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is his Prophet! There is no law but Sharia!
It’s being reported that the information posted of military members and their phone numbers is publicly available already.

In a later tweet, they threaten, “We won’t stop! We know everything about you, your wives and children,” and post confidential information of military members [I’ve blurred the info]:

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As of about 1:08 PM EST, the @CENTCOM account has been suspended.

[this post has been supplemented with additional content as it became available.]

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