Why One Liberal Atheist Calls Herself ‘Half-Muslim’
Let me tell you something, gringos. There are a LOT of stupid things said on MSNBC. A LOT. But I guess the way to make a splash in the kingdom of morons is to be top moron of all, which is exactly what atheist Jamila Bey did last night on fellow moron Chris L. Hayes’ show.
Watch this crazy crap:
Congratulations @jbey you have been crowned empress of morons lol #HalfMuslimAtheist https://t.co/GE0Vfj3a1U
— el Sooper ن (@SooperMexican) February 14, 2015
Good job, Jamila, you baffled even me.
Jamila @jbey self described "half-Muslim" by birth, atheist by belief, 100% dumbass. #inners pic.twitter.com/JymGdSaybN
— el Sooper ن (@SooperMexican) February 14, 2015