Ferguson Movement Turns on Liberal Columnist for Admitting ‘Hands Up Don’t Shoot’ Was a Lie
Frequent MSNBC contributor and liberal race-baiter Jonathan Capehart actually did an honorable thing – he admitted that the narrative behind the “Hands Up Don’t Shoot” chant is a lie, and wrote about it at length:
The hardest piece I’ve ever had to write. http://t.co/B8RN49rMey
— Jonathan Capehart (@CapehartJ) March 16, 2015
It must be noted that the says it’s because of the Department of Justice report that he changed his mind, calling Holder’s office “beyond reproach.” That’s how hard it is to get a journalist to admit the truth – the federal government has to step in.
Anyway, of course the movement attacked him for it, because the truth hurts:
@CapehartJ If you didn't intend to piss lots of people off then you have VERY clumsily stepped into a hornets' nest.
— Thelonious08 (@Thelonious08) March 16, 2015
@cailleachst @deray @CapehartJ Capehart has lost his fucking mind. He can't see difference btwn "cast doubt on" & "proved the opposite"
— Thelonious08 (@Thelonious08) March 16, 2015
@CapehartJ Jonathan, you have totally misunderstood the basics of the movement. AND you are parroting Roorda's talking points. (headdesk)
— Thelonious08 (@Thelonious08) March 16, 2015
@GeekNStereo and @CapehartJ has added himself to that mass chorus of delegitimization.
— Broderick Greer (@BroderickGreer) March 16, 2015
@capehartj Considering what we know about authorities in Ferguson, R we sure Hands Up didn't happen? Do we think their racist but not liars?
— Michael G. McFadden (@kappacool) March 16, 2015
@CapehartJ regurgitating evidence from a corrupt grand jury investigation to condemn #MikeBrown. Its FoxNews-Worthy, direct from WaPo
— oshana cat (@sisQcat) March 16, 2015
@CapehartJ Your core problem is that the DOJ accepted institutionalized narrative whole-cloth, and any public source was discounted in full.
— John Sage (@John_de_Vashon) March 16, 2015
Deray is one of the biggest Ferguson boosters:
@BroderickGreer @CapehartJ @Nettaaaaaaaa @GeekNStereo @ShaunKing sigh.
— deray mckesson (@deray) March 16, 2015
@iloanya1 easy if you buy Ferguson PD narrative wholeheartedly. W "allies" like @CapehartJ who needs enemies?
— IndyMama (@hoosierworld) March 16, 2015
@hoosierworld @CapehartJ how someone can say with so much certainty that it was a lie is really ridiculous
— chimezie (@iloanya1) March 16, 2015
@CapehartJ not sure that amount of copy was necessary. but if you're ok w/ it, just gave folks ammo to discredit #BlackLivesMatter
— Ellison Report (@ellisonreport) March 16, 2015
Will @TheRevAl challenge @CapehartJ for his gross distortion of the findings of the DOJ Report?
— FedUp_Mom (@Fedup_Mom) March 16, 2015
@donnabrazile @CapehartJ it doesn't matter if #mikebrown actually had his hands up or not. The symbology of unarmed suspects killed is valid
— The Average BlackMan (@TheAvgBlackMan) March 16, 2015
@hilaryr @PatriciaRaye @CapehartJ FUCK YOU!
— FedUp_Mom (@Fedup_Mom) March 16, 2015
@Fedup_Mom @hilaryr @PatriciaRaye @CapehartJ Of course they are, ugh scary mofos they be trying to stay on tv don't they
— felicia Sallis (@snoin3725) March 16, 2015
Hands up or not, I don't see how Wilson is justified shooting an unarmed Mike Brown, even if he was charging at him. @CapehartJ
— Jesse Benn (@JesseBenn) March 16, 2015
It appears that the “movement” will continue on in their error no matter who admits it’s based on a lie.