Feminists are Out to Behead Meghan Trainor for Blaspheming Against Their Man-Hating Jihad
Now it’s time to make fun of fascist feminists! Pop star Meghan Trainor released a video recently that got the ample panties of lonely feminists in a bunch because it doesn’t show enough hatred for men and offends their one true god, bitterness.
Here’s her video:
She demands her “future husband” treat her like a lady, which is just perpetuating rape culture and the demonic patriarchy. No, this is not a joke, though these feminists certainly are:
Thank god Meghan Trainor clearly stated she's not a feminist bc we don't need another Lena Dunham in our midsts
— YVANA (@ProBlackThottie) March 21, 2015
Meghan Trainor is an embarrassment to the female gender and sets the feminist movement back about 50 years she needs to go
— T (@iknowsheknows) March 21, 2015
Meghan Trainor is an embarrassment to the female gender and sets the feminist movement back about 50 years she needs to go
— T (@iknowsheknows) March 21, 2015
Meghan Trainor is an anti-feminist disease who lives to set the ideologies of feminism back in time. Disappear please pic.twitter.com/LtblpQT98a
— Georgia (@smokingkiIls) March 20, 2015
"Meghan Trainor: 'I Don't Consider Myself A Feminist' aka i have never been directly oppressed therefore the problem does not exist for me
— 鹿哥。 (@hakyeohn) March 20, 2015
its sad how meghan trainor doesnt even realize how she is portraying many anti feminist messages that are toxic to young women
— tabi(๑˘◡˘๑) (@sciras) March 20, 2015
Ayyy shout out to Meghan Trainor setting the feminist movement back 50 years from a 3-minute music video #DearFutureHusband
— Étienne (@akapanakpan) March 19, 2015
Meghan Trainor thinks shes the biggest feminist advocate and like all her songs are a feminist anthem LMAO NEXT
— sam (@daddylouist) March 19, 2015
Occupation: angry feminist with a strong dislike for Meghan trainor
— izz (@izzyhasnolife) March 18, 2015
heres my rant on 'meghan trainor the feminist icon'.. read if u want and sorry im illiterate pic.twitter.com/1b0p6Xctjp
— lucy has exams !! (@dystopianmuke) March 18, 2015
LRT people who think Meghan Trainor is some sort of feminist icon are the biggest white feminists in history
— Trans Woman Agenda (@TWomanAgenda) March 18, 2015
meghan trainor needs to take a women's studies class at the taylor swift school for pop stars who can't feminist good
— sarah gorman (@thesizzurp) March 17, 2015
Can 2015 be the year where we realize that Shailene Woodley and Meghan Trainor are not feminist icons and should be kept away from children?
— Mollie Paige (@MolliePB) March 17, 2015
Meghan Trainor is so disgusting she's sexist as hell
— tiffany (@ryanisnasty) March 21, 2015
"Open doors for me and you might get some head" lmao meghan trainor, you silly whore
— leelow (@_Lealo) March 19, 2015
Lets base all of our self worth on a man and how well we can clean a floor. Thanks Meghan Trainor, but Ill pass.
— Jessica McGuire (@JessMcGuire12) March 21, 2015
Dear @Meghan_Trainor, you don't need a husband, or any man for that matter. You can be a strong, independent woman who doesn't need no man!
— Heather Barney (@HeatherBarney) March 19, 2015
@Meghan_Trainor You should check what you say before saying it. "I'm not a feminist because I believe in equal rights" really? IGNORANT.
— 9¾ (@rachelstrifle) March 15, 2015
I'm glad that meghan trainor said that she isn't a feminist because, to be honest, she's not a celebrity that I want representing us
— Kira (@corruptedIung) March 15, 2015
I hate Meghan trainor tbh she thinks she's a feminist but she's just a picky bitch who thinks she's the only one that matters
— chels. (@intoxicstylxs) March 21, 2015
Meghan trainor isn't an inspiration she's an anti-feminist idiot who thinks that "anorexia" is something "you can do" not an eating disorder
— fuc skool (@BLKNANCT) March 21, 2015
I feel like, and maybe this is just because I can't stand her anyway, that Meghan Trainor has just set the feminist movement back 50 years..
— Hunter Wishart * (@huntwishart) March 21, 2015
Meghan Trainor is a lil bitch who says you have to be "strong" to have an eating disorder and thinks a woman's place is taking care of a man
— bean (@kellls_bells) March 20, 2015
meghan trainor looks cute af in her new video but it sets the feminist movement back 20 years no amount of cute skirts will make up for that
— Ashley Roe (@punkgoesboink) March 21, 2015
if you say that meghan trainor is a feminist just know i will slap you
— becca (@puffballirwin) March 21, 2015
meghan trainor is so annoying i cannot please get her off the radio and off the planet and off youtube with her sexist videos
— sam (@samanthxandrea) March 21, 2015
Then there’s this from a Salon writer:
that meghan trainor song wldve been a progressive feminist anthem in 1940
— Joanna Rothkopf (@joannarothkopf) March 16, 2015
That was preceded by this:
brb quickly shaving my face
— Joanna Rothkopf (@joannarothkopf) March 16, 2015
Thankfully, there are a few lonely voices out in the wilderness crying out against the obvious hypocrisy of these humorless nags attacking a woman for choosing more traditional gender roles:
How is @Meghan_Trainor Dear Future Husband song "anti-feminist" when feminism (I'm told) is about respecting women's lifestyle choices?
— Julie Borowski (@JulieBorowski) March 21, 2015
If @Meghan_Trainor wants to buy her husband groceries then let her!! Trashing another girl for not being a feminist is very anti-feminist
— corybreann (@coryxxbreann) March 20, 2015
Y’know, feminism must be really weak if it can be toppled over by one catchy pop song. The patriarchy has no such weaknesses.
Now go forth and laugh at a stupid feminist.