
Dept. of Labor Economist In Panic Mode: Says She Was Hacked, Deletes THAT Tweet Too!

An economist at the Bureau of Labor Statistics at the Department of Labor is in full panic mode after tweeting and deleting a message calling Christians “Nazis” yesterday [as documented HERE by ME first!]. This morning she offered the excuse that she had been hacked:

[Hat tip to Chris Loesch for the screenshot]

Now, if that was the case, why did she also delete THAT tweet? And before that, she changed her profile to hide the fact that she worked at the Dept. of Labor!

She’s a deleting machine! Who’s running her Twitter account, Hillary Clinton?!? More as this story develops…


The Blaze is reporting that the Labor Department says the matter is “under review,” and should be resolved quickly!

Thanks to the Daily Caller and Dana Loesch for crediting me on this story!

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