Gender issues

Obama ‘Fundamentally Transforms’ White House Bathrooms!

It will be debated how Obama may have completed his goal of “fundamentally transforming” America for years to come, but he was able at least to bring LGBT awareness to the rooms where people evacuate their bodily wastes at the White House:

President Barack Obama’s staff and visitors now have the option of using a gender-neutral restroom, a White House spokesman said Wednesday — the latest in a series of symbolic steps the Obama administration has taken to work the priorities of the LGBT community into its broader themes of inclusiveness and tolerance.

The newly designated restroom is an example of how the administration has been advancing the discussion by raising the profile of transgender issues, an area of debate that is especially hotly contested right now. The restroom will be located in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building, where much of the White House staff works.

 “An all-gender restroom is also available in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building, which provides guests and staff an additional option,” said White House spokesman Jeff Tiller.

It’s a follow-up on Obama’s executive order, which went into effect Wednesday, banning discrimination against gay and transgender employees of companies that contract with the federal government.

Way to bring “hope and change” to the crapper, Obama! It’s gone full circle now.

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