LOL! Hypocrite Alec Baldwin LOVES Leftwing Protests… Until They Inconvenience HIM!
My arch-enemy Alec Baldwin took to Twitter to whine that protesters for hiking the minimum wage were annoying him, even though he supports their goal:
Protestors have blocked off a huge quadrant of midtown traffic in support of a higher minimum wage. I support their goal, not their method.
— ABFoundation (@ABFalecbaldwin) April 15, 2015
Life in NY is hard enough as is. The goal is to not make it more so. How does clogging rush hour traffic from 59th St to 42 do any good?
— ABFoundation (@ABFalecbaldwin) April 15, 2015
NY's ethos dissolves every day that individuals or groups put their needs/goals ahead of everyone else's
— ABFoundation (@ABFalecbaldwin) April 15, 2015
There are ways to rally people to your cause without inconveniencing an entire City.
— ABFoundation (@ABFalecbaldwin) April 15, 2015
But Alec LOVED left-wing protests when it inconvenienced OTHER New Yorkers, specifically during the Occupy Wall Street protests:
On my way to OWS.
— ABFoundation (@ABFalecbaldwin) October 19, 2011
I'm glad to see OWS back on the streets in NY….
— ABFoundation (@ABFalecbaldwin) March 22, 2012
Went down to livestream with OWS at 50 Broadway.
— ABFoundation (@ABFalecbaldwin) November 20, 2011
I'd like to send a big thanks to @AlecBaldwin for supporting Occupy Wall st – BIG banks need to be regulated
— Chad Beyer (@thachad) October 20, 2011
As some noted, even that on it’s own was hypocritical:
So funny seeing Alec Baldwin at the Occupy Wall St and Capitol One Bank commercials. He must be dizzy with all the back and forth.
— Jeff B. (@nyjaybee) November 6, 2011
So it was OK when Occupy Wall Street freaks were assaulting cops, raping each other, and destroying others’ property, but if you make pissy little Alec Baldwin late for dinner, he lashes out.