‘White Liberals Fuel Racism!’ – Great Rant From Libertarian Black Guy on Evil Church Murders
Self-described ‘Indo-Creek/African American Libertarian’ Eric July posted a pretty awesome response to how white liberals are using the horrible shooting at the Charleston AME Church for political gain instead of drawing us all together against the senseless evil.
Watch below from his Facebook post:
He makes some great points about the liberal response, which makes it seem as if all white people approve of the evil acts in Charleston yesterday. They would rather divide us by blaming all white people rather than seeing how much true profound sorrow is found from all Americans, black and white, conservative and liberal.
Don't believe me that politicians will fuel this foolishness for political game? Obama just blamed it on gun control
— Eric July (@EricDJuly) June 18, 2015
Perfect time to unify.. seen so much division…
— Eric July (@EricDJuly) June 18, 2015
— Eric July (@EricDJuly) June 18, 2015
Good job, Eric.