Shaun King Is a Dumb Hypocrite On ‘Thug’ Being Racist
“Black Lives Matter” leader and idiot Shaun King was very upset that certain media personages were using the word “thug” to describe some black men who were involved in crime.
Here’s him being very concerned and angry GrRrR!!!
Listen carefully to how it's used. "Thug" is the new nigger. My post from October on this very thing…
— Shaun King (@ShaunKing) April 28, 2015
Yeah!! It’s just the same as using the word NI…. wait wait…
I'd have absolutely no problem telling you all some of my stories of early thuggery, but now my mom reads twitter! Even thugs fear momma:-)
— Shaun King (@ShaunKing) March 13, 2009
Oh. Well. Crap. At least he only whines about it being racist once… wait…
When a white man (or woman) calls a Black victim of violence a thug, it's code for – "He wasn't fully human anyway. Don't worry about it."
— Shaun King (@ShaunKing) October 28, 2014
Uh seriously dude? By the way Shaun is at least half white so isn’t he racist for using the word?! Against himself?!
From 1863-2014, the nomenclature changed to coon, monkey, nigger. Today, the white codeword for nigger is thug.
— Shaun King (@ShaunKing) October 28, 2014
C’mon dude. You call yourself a thug!!!!
I'm @ Champs Roller Skating rink. Last time I was here I was 15 y/o, had 3 girlfriends, a pistol & thought I was a thug w/ @YOUNGCHU #change
— Shaun King (@ShaunKing) September 4, 2012
Yeah so a fifteen year old can be a thug right?
When I was in high school I carried a gun, went on drug runs, stole worse than cigars. Went to college and became a pastor. Am I a thug?
— Shaun King (@ShaunKing) August 25, 2014
I’m guessing the answer you want is “no”?
Anybody who knew me when I was Mike Brown's age like @DeacTheVillain or @YOUNGCHU will tell you I carried a gun & did thug shit. I grew up.
— Shaun King (@ShaunKing) September 5, 2014
Oh. So you WERE a thug. Or not. Forget it I give up. #ThugLife