Illegal Alien Isn’t “Living in The Shadows,” He’s Hosting a Show Shaming White People on MTV!
Hey you know what’s the worst way to try to convince people that they should provide illegals a “path to citizenship”? Have an illegal go around telling white people how racist they are. That’s exactly the entire premise behind Jose Vargas’ new show on MTV – does he look like he’s “living in the shadows”?
Watch below:
OH BOY. I can’t wait to watch liberal white girls whine and cry about their micro-aggressive racism while white guys stand there bewildered at this gay Filipino talking about slavery. That’s not an epithet, the dude is gay.
Basically, MTV is making an in-kind donation to the Democratic party by helping indoctrinate whites into gringo guilt. And they’re legitimizing an illegal alien opportunist to do it.
He’s already denying what’s plainly obvious LOL!
Why do people think the goal of "White People" is to make whites feel "guilty"? Watch full film on @MTV on July 22 before judging.
— Jose Antonio Vargas (@joseiswriting) July 9, 2015
I mean, if America is so damn racist, why is Jose demanding to stay here?!? Why doesn’t he go back the supposedly race-enlightened Philippines where he came from?!?!
So you’re telling me that if we give illegals a “path of citizenship” we’ll get more gay, anti-white, left-wing activists who pretend to be “reporters” on television??! What a great deal!!!
Just kidding. Someone deport Jose already.
And tell MTV to quit being racist pendejos.
Tell @MTV to stop #WhiteShaming and take down their racist anti-white show starring illegal alien @JoseIsWriting
— el Sooper ن (@SooperMexican) July 9, 2015