Do VETERANS Support Trump or Defend McCain? Here’s What Twitter says…
Of all the people weighing in on Trump’s controversial slam against McCain’s military service record, I would think that the opinions of veterans should weigh more heavily than anyone else’s. But, as I have fired my entire political polling office after finding out they were all illegal aliens, we’re gonna have to go to Twitter and do an unscientific poll of social media.
So what do self-identified veterans say – do they support Trump or defend McCain?
Here are the McCain defenders:
Being a POW didn’t make McCain a hero, how he behaved there did. I don't like McCain, but I'm a veteran. I will NEVER vote for Trump.
— Ron Andrea (@RonAndrea1) July 18, 2015
@LateNightRants1 Generalize much? I'm not a fan of @McCain's politics but the man was a POW and is a veteran. #Trump is an ass. @techweenie
— Snarkaroni™ (@Snarkaroni) July 18, 2015
I'm not a fan of McCain, personally, but to denounce a veteran as a war hero is unAmerican. trump needs to go #deportTrump
— R. Graham (@GeekyGraham) July 18, 2015
@FrankLuntz Im a Veteran and agree with trump on Mccain.Mccain is a war hero and only came to the public view for his time as a POW.#TRUMP
— Donna Hallabuk (@gracy69epixnet) July 19, 2015
@annakooiman @ffweekend as a Veteran I may disagree with McCain politics but he's a hero who suffered dearly 4 his country. Down with Trump
— Tim (@vulcan5555) July 19, 2015
As a Combat Veteran I think #McCain is a Military Hero. I disagree with Trump on that. As a Senator he has been a total disappointment.
— RedLion (@eddiern) July 19, 2015
@JulieBanderas Trump has gone too far now / John McCain is truly a great American Hero // I speak as a combat veteran who knows about heros
— Jerry Stephens (@runlong01) July 18, 2015
As a veteran, I am disgusted with this comment: CNN: Trump questions McCain's bravery, says 'he is not a war hero'
— Robert S. Mejia (@MejiaRobertS) July 18, 2015
I tried to avoid politics here. But Donald Trump is an asshole. As a veteran myself give Sen McCain the respect he deserves.
— Sam Maule (@sammaule) July 18, 2015
I may not share McCain's political views but as a veteran myself…Trump can continue to kiss my ass…respect POWs
— Tyrone McAuley (@Good2BTy) July 18, 2015
As a Marine Veteran I would like to hear you denounce Trump's comments regarding John McCain's POW status. Thank you. @marcorubio
— James (@geekhubby) July 18, 2015
My Veteran hubby just said "Trump is a POS for the remarks he made about McCain as a POW/American Hero, AT LEAST McCain served his country".
— Stacey Brunt (@bruntofitall) July 18, 2015
As a veteran, fuck him!!!. I disagree with McCain on most things, but he's still a hero and always will be!!!
— Joshua Austill (@joshua_austill) July 18, 2015
@kesgardner Deaf ears? Have you served this nation? McCain is a hero, Perry is a hero. Trump is a mouth. I served, did you?
— Joe Johnson (@65SportFury) July 19, 2015
@DavidCornDC my name is Daniel I served with Mr McCain in the Vietnam. You disgust me Trump, Mr McCain endured horrible conditions captured.
— danieltravis (@danieltravis) July 18, 2015
@NBCNews i am not a mccain fan, but this statement is shit from trump; trump has never served in military & all my family did; he's an ass
— William Pepper (@CparisPepper) July 18, 2015
Trump should drop out. McCain is a war hero as all who served or have served. I spent 3 years in the army during that period..
— ron oberg (@nor43) July 18, 2015
I have relatives who have served in a war & one was a POW during WWII, Donald Trump had NO right to say John McCain doesn't deserve….
— Crystal Mendoza (@SweetPea42089) July 18, 2015
@ReillyRick No fan of John McCain, but as a old soldier that served in that war, I respect him. Trump is an ass and so are his supporters.
— Arthur Barham (@CdrArty) July 18, 2015
And here are the Trump supporters:
John McCain sold out Conservatives. I don't give a crap if Donald Trump slams him and I'm a veteran.
— Franci (@LadySandersfarm) July 18, 2015
@FrankLuntz you are no longer impartial. If McCain Trump followers he's fair game. POW or not. I'm a veteran and not offended.
— Leon Liown (@LeonLiown) July 19, 2015
@GovernorPerry @realDonaldTrump U lose a hell of a lot more votes than U gained by dogging Trump, rickie! I'm a veteran and McCain is awful
— Paul (@PMalloy2) July 18, 2015
John McCain is a navy veteran as I am.He spent five half years in the Hanoi Hilton,where was Trump???? The fucking pussy ass BASTARD!!
— Troy GilmoreJr (@mybabygirl3306) July 19, 2015
@realDonaldTrump @fitsnews McCain is honored as a Veteran. He is sadly a failure as a politician. Mr. Trump is right, the truth hurts people
— Gene Tartt (@GeneThomas52) July 18, 2015
Sen McCain is a POW and veteran – Yes! But to bash Trump and supporters as crazy – No! Trump has a right to run for Pres 2016. Alt to Obam
— Roy Bliven (@rbliven4) July 19, 2015
@gehrig38 @MrTonySays @realDonaldTrump as a Veteran I still love Trump. Tells it like it is. McCain went at him first.
— Tim Studer (@tcstuder) July 18, 2015
I agree with Dan; I too served in Vietnam and wasn't offended by Trump's statement about McCain.
— kenneth russell (@rulken) July 19, 2015
@TuckerCarlson I served 20 years in the Army. Trump is hitting the target. McCain has hurt the military badly by cutting benefits.
— Cecil W. Copley (@CecilWCopley) July 19, 2015
@JebBush @SenJohnMcCain Trump tld the truth – McCain called supptrs "Crazies" I served too am I crazy because I support @realDonaldTrump
— John Jeffries (@JohnJeffries1) July 19, 2015
@BilliamPoole Yes. McCain insulted Trump. McCain is a disaster. I served.
— Hatkat (@BHatkat) July 18, 2015
I dunno where to put this guy:
@DeanModified as a veteran each one of us have a story. Trump was wrong to exploit his record, but McCain has been wrong not to support vets
— Jon Gullett (@RedRaven563) July 19, 2015
It appears that the McCain defenders seem to be more representative of veterans’ opinions, at least among those on Twitter who self-identify as such. I did not attempt to skew either way, I made several searches and added in every tweet on both sides that I could find according to those searches.
So will this hurt the Trumpinator? Let me know in the comments.