The Very First “Cuckservative” Tweets Show Exactly What It’s Really About
I really hate wading into this stupid debate, but what the hell. People are defending using the term “cuckservative” on social media as an epithet against conservatives who aren’t right-wing enough. But others say that it’s a racial term that originated in white supremacist circles:
Shameful and stupid for anyone to use. RT @gabrielmalor: Too long to fit in one tweet, but here ya go:
— el Sooper ن (@SooperMexican) July 28, 2015
Now, some are denying the connotation, saying it’s perfect non-racist:
Breitbart news is just shameful garbage now. A complete disgrace to Andrew's name.
— el Sooper ن (@SooperMexican) July 28, 2015
I happen to dislike JEB! intensely as a candidate for 2016, but to insinuate his wife sleeps with other men is just petty and pathetic. And it fits the above definition as pointed out by Ace of Spades’ Gabriel Malor perfectly.
Still, some continue to deny that obvious connotation:
The last memo I have, the Right was opposed to everything being declared racist. Does someone have the new memo?
— John Nolte (@NolteNC) July 28, 2015
Obviously, I disagree:
.@NolteNC so your memo says nothing can ever be called racist because leftists abuse the word? some things are just racist.
— el Sooper ن (@SooperMexican) July 28, 2015
UPDATE: I forgot to add these responses to that tweet:
complete coincidence.
— el Sooper ن (@SooperMexican) July 28, 2015
I understand the knee-jerk reaction. Liberals call EVERYTHING racist, so we feel protective. But sorry, folks, some shit is just racist. And this is racist. It’s one thing to deride conservatives who pander by changing conservative polices to leftist policies to try to get minority votes. I get that. I dislike it, and I’m against it. I’ve written against it.
But when using the term “cuckservative” you skyrocket yourself into another level, because that has been used in a different fasion since it was first coined by white supremacists and other racists. Here’s the proof.
This is the first instance it was used:
A liberal is just a conservative that hasn't been cucked yet. Looking for paleo-con man missile to do this. #cuckservative #tcot #tcuck
— horned up rando (@glopdemon) April 1, 2010
This guy is actually demanding people credit him for coining it. Turns out – surprise! He’s a liberal:
And then after that, here are the rest of the instances. This is the third guy to use it:
@Ricky_Vaughn99 All of these cuckservative Bibi cock-sucking posts make me less intelligent.
— Disciple of Tyr (@FoolishProud) March 4, 2015
Here’s the guy he was tweeting to – they must be good friends:
This guy tweeted the fourth and fifth instances of it:
Ok mister cuckservative, tell me more how threats to jews and israel are more important than threats to myself and my own nation.
— Ethan Enkisson (@stompthewaffle) March 20, 2015
Also charming:
The sixth instance is this guy:
He actually just seems to mean what Nolte and others say it means:
It's time to PURGE the Neo-Cons, the Dems, and the RINOs from the Conservative Movement. You All Got Us into this Mess. Now Get The Fuck Out
— RegularRon (@RegularRon) November 5, 2008
THEN we really take off… when some guy starts tweeting under the handle @Cuckservative:
It seems he begins popularizing the term. And he’s a great representative of these folks:
This has all snowballed over the last three months until some good decent people are using it and defending it as non-racist. But when you see who popularized it, and what they’re about, I don’t know how it’s defendable.