It’s ON Now!! Trump Threatens ‘Black Lives Matter’ And They RESPOND On Social Media!!
The Trumpinator specifically called out the “Black Lives Matter” protesters in a press conference today, after calling Bernie Sanders “weak” and “disgusting” for letting them drive him off his own stage.
Did Trump just threaten to physically fight #BlackLivesMatter protesters?
— Christopher Hayes (@chrislhayes) August 11, 2015
Watch below:
Well, the threat was heard loud and clear and BLM supporters are responding on social media:
#BlackLivesMatter Trump just called us out let's make sure we take his fucking mic!!! Republicans are the real enemies
— Don Solo (@donsolo1pointO) August 12, 2015
Gotta get a #BLM protester to snatch #Trump microphone now
— Bishop Bullwinkle (@_KingMalcolm) August 11, 2015
#Trump wants to put the #BlackLivesMatter protestors to the test. They will show him what time it is. Believe that.
— Ekemini Uwan (@sista_theology) August 12, 2015
Tell him try it & get Geno'd in this bitch RT @chrislhayes Did Trump just threaten to physically fight #BlackLivesMatter protesters?
— MERCEDEZ (@MercedezUAZ) August 12, 2015
@goldietaylor Hmm…should #BlackLivesMatter go find him because I want to see what happens.
— Dana K. (@DanaKsw) August 11, 2015
I'd join the cause JUST for this. RT @chrislhayes: Did Trump just threaten to physically fight #BlackLivesMatter protesters?
— Potna B (@MyPotnaB) August 12, 2015
What does that even mean? Would he punch BLM demonstrators who interrupted his speeches? I have questions.
— Goldie Taylor (@goldietaylor) August 11, 2015
@goldietaylor @realDonaldTrump NEVER say NEVER THEY WON'T JUST TAKE THE MIC. THEY WILL TAKE THE STAGE.. #BlackLivesMatter
— Nanaloveforever (@nolaborne) August 11, 2015
How does one sign up? RT @chrislhayes: Did Trump just threaten to physically fight #BlackLivesMatter protesters?
— Tolstoy Thuggin (@_Sym___) August 11, 2015
Wait, wha?! RT @chrislhayes: Did Trump just threaten to physically fight #BlackLivesMatter protesters?
— Imani Gandy (@AngryBlackLady) August 12, 2015
Let’s get ready to rrrrrummmble!!!