‘Black Lives Matter’ Morons Say WHITE PEOPLE Are Burning Stuff Down in Ferguson!
Ferguson is blowing up again tonight, but there’s a curious thing happening – protesters swear that it’s WHITE PEOPLE who are the arsonists!
Dear @CNN the white ppl are setting the fires in #Ferguson then blaming it on blacks that live there, k.
— Lil Saint (@Kamdranee) August 20, 2015
There are white peoples, anons, setting stuff on fire and running away. I'm about to fight
— KayRay (@RE_invent_ED) August 20, 2015
Car burning where but no fire department. Protesters trying to stop white arsonists but where is the @SLMPD no where! Fire's their fault!
— Craig Scandrett-Leat (@craigallen50) August 20, 2015
This happened last year in Ferguson too. And black people were held responsible. https://t.co/kCNzNoP3aP
— Sarah Kendzior (@sarahkendzior) August 20, 2015
Still angered at the thought of white people burning stuff tonight in St. Louis KNOWING the black community will get blamed.
— Sean Jordan (@seanjjordan) August 20, 2015
White ppl out here burning shit…as usual
— Dr. Cornel Fresh (@WyzeChef) August 20, 2015
— Evan Lehmann (@evster_) August 20, 2015
White protesters are snitching on the Blacks who were throwing rocks. Getting ppl locked up. #StLouis #Ferguson
— Gazi Kodzo (@GodGazi) August 20, 2015
Wait, wasn’t it the same “Black Lives Matter” thugs who were screaming, “burn this motherfucker down” before? Also aren’t the ones so fond of quoting Martin Luther King Jr. approvingly about riots:
"Riots are the language of the unheard" – Martin Luther King Jr. #Ferguson.
— Lost My Mind (@MarleyBledsoe) August 14, 2015
Hey, you invite the degenerates of “anonymous,” then you reap what you sow!! I guess it’s just ok when blacks do it? I’m trynna catch up on these rules.