MSNBC Host Praises Celebration Thanking ILLEGAL ALIENS For Rebuilding New Orleans, Including Trump Piñata!
Rachel Maddow, the twelve-year-old boy masquerading as an MSNBC lesbian, attended a block party intended to thank illegal aliens for supposedly rebuilding New Orleans after the Katrina disaster, which is being remember this anniversary year.
The event includes a Trump piñata, but just to be safe, the boy said she didn’t endorse that:
Here’s info from the event:
Casa Borrega (1719 Oretha Castle Haley Boulevard) will be hosting a street party called “Gracias Latinos” this Saturday, August 29th, on the tenth anniversary of Hurricane Katrina’s landfall. The event is intended to honor the estimated 10 to 14 thousand undocumented workers who arrived in New Orleans during the first year after the levees were breached.
Casa Borrega aims to celebrate these workers who “Cleaned our city and rebuilt our streets, homes and businesses. Many were cheated out of their pay, harassed by police and residents, and in general treated as interlopers” by having a day of music, food, dancing, and drinks. The party is scheduled to run from 3p.m. until 11 p.m.
Now if anyone on the right had so blithely equated all latinos with illegal aliens, they’d be excoriated as racists and bigots, but they can do it on the left all the want. Racistas!!
They whine about illegals being cheated out of their pay – guess how to avoid that? BE A LEGAL WORKER!
Check out the weird image they worked up for it:
UHmmm I’m pretty sure the illegal aliens who worked in New Orleans didn’t dress like aztec warriors. But if they did it would be easier to deport them! Good idea! I have to admit, as a latino who enjoys Aztec art, it’s kinda cool artistically. BUT IN NO OTHER WAY IS IT COOOOL.
Notice again they equate ALL Latino immigrants with illegal aliens. Great job, morons!
Look, these people have a right to celebrate whatever they want, but I do they celebrate the American ideals and principles that they’re taking advantage of by having their business here? Any respect for the rule of law that has made America so prosperous and peaceful? Nope, they’d rather celebrate illegal aliens.
Feel free to ask them on Twitter if they celebrate what America has given them as much as they celebrate illegal aliens:
[But please hold back from racist comments, y’all make us look bad when you do that.]