
How Christianity Is Clashing With Islam During The Refugee Crisis

It is really difficult to get a handle on this immigrant crisis that is streaming into Europe. On the one hand, you have offensive stuff like this video which appears to be Syrian “refugees” chanting an epithet and “Allah Akbar”:

But if you look at the mainstream media coverage of the event, it’s all happy families and grateful women and old men. 

Meanwhile, it appears that Hungary is terribly suspicious of the influx, given their past as the historical bulwark against Islamist aggression:

Hungary’s prime minister, Viktor Orban, was criticized online and in person on Thursday for writing in a German newspaper that it was important to secure his nation’s borders from mainly Muslim migrants “to keep Europe Christian.”

“Those arriving have been raised in another religion, and represent a radically different culture. Most of them are not Christians, but Muslims,” Mr. Orban wrote in a commentary for Frankfurt Allgemeine Zeitung, a German newspaper. “This is an important question, because Europe and European identity is rooted in Christianity.”

“Is it not worrying in itself that European Christianity is now barely able to keep Europe Christian?” Mr. Orban asked. “There is no alternative, and we have no option but to defend our borders.”

Before meeting with Mr. Orban on Thursday in Brussels, Donald Tusk, the president of the European Council, which represents European Union leaders, thanked him for securing Europe’s borders, but took issue with the argument of Mr. Orban’s opinion article.

It’s rather shocking that things have gotten so bad that a faithless, multicultural Europe is chiding Hungary for sounding the alarm about maintaining their Christian identity.

On the other hand, many Muslims are actually converting to Christianity, but only for the sake of increasing their chances to be accepted as refugees:

Muslim migrants are converting to Christianity in their droves in the hope it will greatly improve their chances of winning asylum in Germany.

Hundreds of mostly Iranian and Afghan asylum seekers have changed faiths at the evangelical Trinity Church in a leafy Berlin neighbourhood alone.

Many claim true belief prompted the move, but the decision undoubtedly boosts their chances of being granted asylum by allowing them to claim they would face persecution if sent home.

Germany expected about 2,500 refugees to arrive in the country by early afternoon today after some 20,000 came in over the weekend.

Chancellor Angela Merkel today described the influx as ‘breathtaking’ and said it would change the make-up of country forever.

She said: ‘What we are experiencing now is something that will occupy and change our country in coming years.’

She said Germany will ensure that those who need protection receive it, but that those who stand no chance of getting asylum will have to return to their homes swiftly.

We of course, welcome any sincere convert to the Kingdom of God, but only if they’re sincere.

Meanwhile, Turkey is angrily denouncing Europe’s reticence to accept refugees:

Turkish Prime Minister Ahmed Davutoglu on Sunday criticised the “ridiculously small” share of refugees the EU is accepting, labelling the continent the “Christian fortress Europe.”

Turkey had taken more than two million people alone from war-torn Syria and Iraq, creating “a buffer zone between the chaos and Europe,” Davutoglu wrote for Monday’s edition of Germany’s Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung daily.

He criticised as low the financial contribution the EU had made in support of Turkey’s effort, according to excerpts pre-released in German by the conservative newspaper Sunday.

There seemed to be the “convenient reflex” to load the refugee problems on the shoulders of Turkey and to build a “Christian fortress Europe,” he wrote.

How is that an epithet?!

And why isn’t he criticizing the other of the 57 Muslim states who won’t accept the refugees? Why does Europe have to take them?

But hey, don’t worry, there are already calls to send them next door to you in America!!

SooperPodcast #162 The White Guilt Behind The Syrian Refugee Crisis With @DefendWallSt!