
Video Timeline: A Faith Feud Has Broken Out Between Trump and Carson!!

A feud about faith has broken out amongst GOP frontrunners Donald Trump and Ben Carson, and it looks like Carson started it!!

Yesterday Carson said faith was the big difference between him and the Donald:

[this video was deleted from YouTube.com]

Oh boy. I think he was just trying to highlight Trump’s boastful arrogance, but he implied that he had denied his faith.

El Trumpo then struck back, saying Ben Carson wasn’t faithful either, and that he was overrated as a doctor. Which is insane.

Watch below:

[this video has been deleted from YouTube.com]

Here’s another link to the video where Trump says, “you look at his faith, and I think you’re not gonna find so much!”:



In this video el Trumpo mocks that anyone would believe Carson is faithful – Ben Carson responds:

Carson actually apologized for questioning Trump’s faith, but after this hit, his manager demanded an apology:

Trump later mocked Bill O’Reilly for believing Ben Carson’s faith, calling him gullible.

And here he is comparing him to a child molester:

He is going to make the White House the classiest joint ever!! No child molesters like Ben Carson allowed!!

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