
Graphic ‘Immigrants Attack In Germany’ Video Shared On Social Media Isn’t What It Says It Is…

So we usually don’t do this much on the Right Scoop, but what the heck. I’m seeing this video being shared a lot that is supposed to be a attack of immigrants on a German woman and her child.

Here it is, but caution, it’s pretty graphic:

Here’s one website that’s posting it without confirming the description in the video:

sharia unveiled

But the truth, as always, is much more difficult.

The original video was posted on the 12th, and is of an attack between Kurds and Turks in Bern, Switzerland:

I mean, look, it’s still pretty horrifying, but there’s no way of knowing if these are Swiss legal residents, citizens, or immigrants. The original video doesn’t describe them that way. The guy who stole the video and reposted it, obviously wants you to believe it’s Muslims attacking Germans for no reason.

And that’s not what it is:

In Bern, Switzerland at a Turkish rally and counter Kurdish rally it has been reported that a Turkish nationalist drove their car into a group of Kurds injuring 20. Two videos of the brutal attack have been posted to the facebook pages of Alevitische Jugend in NRW – BDAJ NRW and Kurdische Nachrichten Nûçe- News. In the first we see a group of people standing in the road around a car when another car enters the view and is seen plowing people over.


Unconfirmed images of the vehicle involved in the attack in Bern are beginning to surface on-line. It is also being reported that Swiss police have detained a number of people involved, yet the exact number and if they apprehended the driver is still unknown.

Images of two of the injured of the car attack. Amazingly, there were no serious injuries reported.

Here’s another video from a different angle, just as awful:

Perhaps these are immigrants. But in the article about the actual event, it’s clearly a political altercation that causes the attack.

Now I don’t doubt that we might see such attacks from immigrants in the current “Syrian Refugee Crisis,” but this, at least, isn’t one.

Remember, the truth shall set you free. You can quote me on that.

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