EVIL: Women And Children Seen As ‘Fair Game’ For RAPE And Forced Prostitution In German Refugee Camps
Here’s yet another sign that Germany will make Europe regret its decision to draw millions of migrants from the Middle East:
Makeshift centres in Germany have seen men, women and children having to sleep next to each other in tents, halls and corridors. Showers and toilets are often not separated by gender, and some do not even have a curtain for privacy.
In the case highlighted yesterday, around 5,000 asylum seekers have been crammed into old US military bases in Giessen, western Germany. A letter addressed to the Minister of Integration and Social Affairs in the state of Hesse, where the centre is based, from four women’s organisations described a ‘culture of rape and violence’.
The letter, written on August 18, stated: ‘It is a fact that women and children are unprotected. This situation is opportune to those men who already regard women as their inferior and treat unaccompanied women as “fair game”. As a consequence, there are reports of numerous rapes, sexual assaults and increasingly of forced prostitution. These are not isolated incidents.’
For those of us who pay attention to the more pernicious corners of Islam, this reminds us of the evils in Rotherham in England where white Western girls were targeted by Muslims for forced prostitution.
Women were often too afraid to walk around the camp even during the day, volunteers claimed, while some victims are too terrified to report sexual assaults by the men.
A police spokesman said there were ‘probably’ many unreported sexual abuses. Giessen City Councillor Astrid Eibelshaeuser said: ‘We know there is rape happening.’
Johannes-Wilhelm Roerig, the federal commissioner for child sexual abuse issues, said: ‘I am most concerned that refugee children in camps, gymnasiums, or former barracks are not sufficiently protected from sexual assault.’
Campaign group Women For Refugee Women said the solution was to integrate genuine refugees as quickly as possible into society to remove them from the risks of overcrowded conditions. Its director Natasha Walter said: ‘People should not be in detention centres, they should be in the community where they can avail themselves of the normal protections given to citizens by the authorities.’
Now imagine what is going to happen when these monsters hit the general population of Europe? This is only the beginning…