
SooperPodcast #167!! The South Shall Rise To Eat Egg McMuffins AGAIN!!


This is a replacement podcast because there were technical difficulties last night, but we basically went over all the same crap. This week I discuss the three things that bust my chops about Eminent Domain abuses, why Trump is wrong about it, Hapax Legonomenon makes fun of me, and Matt goes on an amazing rant about Egg McMuffins. It’s really worth listening to.

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The show airs first on 10pm on the FTR online radio network every Thursday at 10PM EST. Join us in the chat!!

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By the way, the FTR version may contain more explicit language, but the iTunes podcast will be squeaky clean!! Also, the FTR version is limited to 56 minutes but the podcast version will often EXTEND to more insanity! Wow!

Please comment, *like*, and tweet our podcast if you like it, or even if you don’t.

Opening song from Soundtrack to Idiocracy: Nuevos Tiempos by Pueblo Cafe

Now Available on Stitcher!!
