
New National Poll Of Losers And Haters Puts Carson At 29%, Trump At 23%!!!!

The Wall Street Journal reports that their polling in collaboration with NBC news finds that Ben Carson has overtaken el Trumpo!!



Retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson has overtaken businessman Donald Trump as the top pick of Republican primary voters to be the party’s presidential nominee, a new Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll finds.

The result marks the first time since June that the Journal/NBC News poll has found a Republican other than Mr. Trump to be leading the GOP field. Some 29% of GOP primary voters rank Mr. Carson as their top choice, while 23% favor Mr. Trump.

Florida Sen. Marco Rubio and Texas Sen. Ted Cruz rank third and fourth as the top pick of 11% and 10% of Republican primary voters, respectively.

Some 8% prefer former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush. No other Republican garners more than 3% support.

So basically, black and white fighting at the top, and two Cubans duking it out for third.

As the illustrious el Scoopo reminded me, this is actually the second national poll that shows Ben Carson topping el Trumpo, here’s the first. So do we have a trend here? YES!!! A trend of the mainstream media LYING to stop the Trumpnado!!!!!

Here’s their graphic for the poll:


Clearly they just polled total losers and haters because el Trumpo defeats all polling everywhere all the time. On the other hand, the sample size is only 400 voters, but even if the margin of error swung all the way in favor of Trump, it would still have Ben on top.

Can’t wait to see the Donald’s response to this one.. it’s gonna be yuge and totally classy. 

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