Quentin Tarantino Has Absolutely No Idea What Free Speech Means
I’m sure the unpaid interns of the low-rated Chris Hayes Show has a tough time having to mop up all the spittle that flew out of an enraged but incoherent Quentin Tarantino as he attacked the people who would dare make him deal with the consequences of his idiotic political beliefs.
Watch below:
The dim-witted director showed that he knows as much about the First Amendment as he does about any other political subject when he whined that boycotters were taking away his rights to free speech. Uh, no, idiot, that Amendment has to do with the federal government stifling your speech, not another private citizen. And what are they doing exactly? Oh, they’re choosing not to watch your crappy ultra-violent movie. Apparently director dumbass believes that he has a Constitutional right to force Americans to watch his movies.