KKK HYSTERIA Grips Mizzou Campus!! Student Prez CONFIRMS KKK Attacks, Then Says Stop Spreading Rumors!!
Blacks everywhere are fearing for their lives as rumors that hordes of KKK armies are marching up and down the University of Missouri campus are spreading like wildfire on social media.
Now none of that is actually happening, but it doesn’t matter, it’s a hysteria. So join in the fun.
Here’s a Facebook post from the Student Association President confirming the presence of the KKK on campus:
Everybody freaked out, because clearly white people are letting racists pillage and murder everybody all over the place:
Mizzou update: gunshots heard on campus, racists ranting in speakers circle, & KKK marching through campus #PrayForMizzou
— dubs (@annmarieW96) November 11, 2015
BREAKING: Reports of KKK roaming in Greektown area, throwing bricks at dorms. #Mizzou
— TheAnonMessage (@TheAnonMessages) November 11, 2015
.@TheManeater confirms that the Phi Mu sorority on the #Mizzou campus is on lockdown following reports of KKK presence in greektown.
— Jack Bernstein (@JackBernstein55) November 11, 2015
That’s so scary!! If only there was some way that young people might take video or audio of the KKK and post them on some sort of information data device or… network of some kind!! Ah well maybe someday we’ll have such technological marvels.
I guess we’re just gonna have to take these reports on face value.. oh wait.. wait…
new FB post from Mizzou student association president, who was previous source of "confirmed KKK sighting" rumor pic.twitter.com/1IXKAO0kJV
— Wesley Lowery (@WesleyLowery) November 11, 2015
Oh. So it was an unconfirmed rumor. Darn. Well I think we should all panic anyway.
There are reports of students evacuating and fleeing the campus. If that’s the case, it’s because of stupid rumors, not because of a real threat.