Hey Dodge, Your ‘Hunger Games’ Commercial Is Insultingly Stupid
I just realized how stupid this line is in the new Dodge Ram commercial that tries to tie-in to the “Hunger Games” hysteria among pre-teen girls. Because that’s their key market target.
I mean it’s kinda cool that they’re “saluting” hard work, but how the hell do you tie that in to fictional characters from a movie based on a book sold to girls?
I’m thinking specifically of this line:
Why is there a @RamTrucks commercial "saluting the heroes of the Hunger Games"? They know it's fictional right?
— el Sooper ن (@SooperMexican) November 25, 2015
What’s the intent here? Are men gonna look at that commercial and say, “damn, Katniss Everdeen is just like me, a hard worker. I think I’m gonna go git myself a truck. And watch that movie in it.”
The rest of the internet seemed to agree with me:
"Dodge Ram salutes the heroes of the Hunger Games." Thanks Ram for honoring Katniss Everdeen's brave fight against her fictional oppressors.
— Ben Ashworth (@AshworthBen) November 22, 2015
Cross marketing Hunger Games and Dodge Ram trucks is making one guy really really excited and the rest of us confused.
— Rotund (@Brotund) November 22, 2015
Just saw cross-promotional rock bottom. A Dodge Ram + Hunger Games ad. "Dodge Ram salutes the heroes of the Hunger Games…" ?
— David Stanfield (@DavidBStanfield) November 23, 2015
I think its weird that Dodge Ram saluted the survivors of the hunger games… They do realized they are fictional characters, right?
— golf dad (@BrizzyBeast) November 23, 2015
I don't understand this Dodge Ram/Hunger Games crossover. They "salute the heroes of the Hunger Games" but… It's fiction, y'all.
— J. Chlebus (@J_Chlebus) November 23, 2015
#DodgeRam salutes the heroes of The Hunger Games? Since when do we salute fictional characters?
— Nick Joebgen (@nick_joebgen) November 21, 2015
Since Obama was elected? People are forced to salute him, right?
Dodge Ram advertising with Hunger Games? I guess 12 year old girls buy their trucks
— Pat Collopy (@pattyjcollopy) November 21, 2015
What's with these Dodge Ram commercials that go "We Support The Winners of The Hunger Games"? They do realize that the Hunger Games are fake
— Matt Diener (@MattDiener) November 18, 2015
"Dodge Ram salutes the heroes of the Hunger Games" sounds like copy for a fake commercial making fun of capitalism but it's real! Dystopian
— Aly Monroe (@monroealy) November 20, 2015
"Dodge Ram salutes the heroes of The Hunger Games." Uh, Dodge? You know those heroes are FAKE, right? There's real heroes you can salute.
— Enrique Garcia (@sketchman9) November 18, 2015
An ad just said: "Dodge Ram salutes the heroes of the Hunger Games." Did fictional characters just get praised by a car?
— Kevin Nguyen (@knguyen) November 16, 2015
Even this incontinent loudmouth thought the same:
Lmao Dodge Ram commercial promoting The Hunger Games is so stupid.
— ¯_(ツ)_/¯ (@DefendWallSt) November 22, 2015
C’mon Dodge Ram, get your $#&t together. We don’t expect your capitalist ventures to be terribly original, but at least have them not insult our intelligence.